FAQ / Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
A: NSH IPPL follows NSCN recommendations on dual licensure. Dual licensure is legally allowed, although not recommended due to complexities with role confusion, scope of practice and accountability. Please refer to NSCN guidance on dual licensure. If pursuing with employment in more than one nursing designation, or LPN also working as a CTA, IPPL recommend that the two places of employment not be in the same care area to decrease risk of role confusion and recommend that the nurse contact Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS).
A: IPPL IPP&L does not recommend hiring new graduates into casual opportunities because of the importance of stability in the practice setting. In order to support transition to practice for our new graduate nurses a stable practice environment is desired. This helps the new graduate form relationships, familiarize themselves with processes, unit flow, physical space, patient presentations etc. This stability in the practice environment assists the graduate nurse with developing time management and critical thinking skills and overall helps to increase their competence and confidence in their practice. It is not recommended that graduate nurses are hired in to float positions or casual roles where they will be working with different teams, environments and patient presentations due to the reasons above.
If hiring a new graduate nurse into a causal position, IPPL recommends that the new graduate nurse only work in one practice setting with consistent preceptor(s), and would ask the clinical leadership team offer the same supports to the casual graduate nurse as they would to other new graduates to ensure they have the time to consolidate their practice (such as a full orientation in a consolidated time, not shorted orientation shifts over a period of months).
A: No a medical professional working in a hospital or long term care facilities who is CPR trained does not need first aid certification. Please refer to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Nova Scotia)?
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