Interprofessional Practice & Learning
Leaders in Healthcare Development and Education
Through strong partnerships with the academic sector, regulators, and government, Nova Scotia Health’s Interprofessional Practice and Learning (IPPL) team plays an integral role in influencing and operationalizing health system priorities, providing leadership and accountability across Nova Scotia.
IPPL collaboratively leads the development of person centered competencies for health care providers that embeds person centered care into practice. A skilled and competent workforce that values provider wellness and risk prevention through a trauma informed approach where equity, diversity, accessibility, inclusion, dignity, respect, and compassion will enable the provision of person centred care.
The Interprofessional Practice and Learning Portfolio is comprised of four Zonal Programs (Central, Eastern, Northern, Western), and Provincial Programs.
The Interprofessional Practice and Learning team facilitates and advances person-centered care through evidence-based professional practice and learning strategies and programs that are designed provincially and implemented locally to enhance collaborative learning and practice. They take a leadership role in creating a culture of collaboration with a focus on team-based care, evidence-informed practice, and learning and professional development to improve health outcomes for patients, families and communities. Through strong partnerships with the academic sector, regulators, and government, the Interprofessional Practice and Learning team has an integral role in influencing and operationalizing health system priorities.
Interprofessional Practice and Learning’s Area of Influence is grounded in Four Pillars:
Leading the establishment of team-based care, where a spectrum of team members work collaboratively with patients, families, communities, and each other to achieve shared goals, where people are empowered to drive their care to the extent they wish, and where all health care team members work to the full extent of their education, certification, and experience.
Learn more about Person Centred Team Based Care here.
The IPPL is driving and defining professional practice standards and collaborating with partners to develop, monitor, and enable implementation of provincial clinical standards and guidelines to ensure responsive, ethical, evidence-informed, and accountable clinical practice across the organization.
Learn more about Evidence-informed Practice here.
Collaboration with strategic partners to support the transition to practice for all health care providers within NS. Through academic and community partnerships, advance the integration of care providers into all care settings within NS Health.
IPPL fosters a learning health system for NS Health. IPPL is the unifying force to create condition that enable cycles of continuous learning and improvements to be routinized and embedded across NS Health, enhancing value to impacts on patient and provider experience, population health and health system costs.
IPPL Leverages our unique position within NS Health and with academic partners to contribute to the learner experience and development of future health care providers to improve recruitment and retention of team members. -
Leading the provision of professional development and education opportunities for leaders and healthcare providers that builds competency, bridges theory to practice, and enables continuous learning.
IPPL supports the development of competent health care professionals. IPPL empowers health care professional with knowledge, skills, competencies in response to changing health care trends and emerging health human resource needs across NS Health.
Visit the Learning Institute for Health Care Providers for more information.
Central Zone
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Eastern Zone
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Northern Zone
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Western Zone
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